"Read enough so you start developing intuitions and then trust your intuitions and go for it!" Geoffrey Hinton
The following is a list of links which I found interesting to keep it here!. The list is based on my own interests but you may also find it useful.
Learning Materials
Medical Engineering - Medical Imaging Systems - by Andreas Maier
From Zero to Research Scientist full resources guide.
C++ by Dr. Ramtin Khosravi - Video Lecture
Machine Learning
Book - Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems - by Aurélien Géron
Book - Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists - by Andreas Mueller (Video) - Scikit Learn
What textbooks had the biggest impact on you as a machine learning researcher?
Deep Learning

A series of blog posts on the Deep Learning Book by Hadrien Jean.

Image Processing
CS474/674 Image Processing and Interpretation - by Dr. George Bebis.
Image Restoration and Inverse Problems
Michael Elad - (Sparse Representation, Dictionary Learning (K-SVD))
Jian-Feng Cai - (Matrix completion and Singular Value Thresholding)
Peyman Milanfar - (Multiframe Super-resolution, Imaging Inverse Problems)
Weisheng Dong - (Sparsity and low-rank based image restoration methods)
Book - Gunturk, Bahadir Kursat, and Xin Li, eds. Image restoration: fundamentals and advances. CRC Press, 2012.
Book - Kwan, Chiman. "Recent Advances in Image Restoration with Applications to Real World Problems." (2020).
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Image Processing
A guide to interpreting OCT scans
Book - Case-Based Neuro-Ophthalmology - Chapter 2: OCT - (It contains multiple choice questions about OCT scans)
List of diseases for which OCT is a useful diagnostic tool: link 1, link 2
EYE diseases (PERSIAN)
Sina Farsiu - site - datasets and softwares
Hossein Rabbani - site - datasets - MISP research center
OCTSEG (Optical Coherence Tomography Segmentation and Evaluation GUI) - by Markus Anton Mayer - site
Caseral: an open-source software suite for computer-aided segmentation of 7 retinal layers in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images - by Pang yu Teng
OCTAnnotate: OCT retina image annotation and analysis - by Agnieszka Stankiewicz
Iowa Reference Algorithms: Human and Murine 3D OCT Retinal Layer Analysis and Display
Hyperspectral Image Processing

The Numerical Tours of Data Sciences by Gabriel Peyré
Useful Talks for Advanced Signal Processing by Gabriel Peyré.
WITS, where is the starlet (*let)? a collection of wavelet names in *let
Book - Sparse Image and Signal Processing Wavelets and Related Geometric Multiscale Analysis - site - site2
Matlab Wavelet Tutorial. by François Chaplais.
Complex Wavelet Transform:
Steerable Pyramid
Curvelet Transform
Minh N. Do: Software: directional filter bank, surfacelet, Contourlet, Laplacian Pyramid, Ridgelet, etc.
ADMM (Alternating Direction Methods of Multipliers)
Official ADMM page
Collection of Inverse Problems Solved with ADMM
Linear Algebra
Matrix Methods - Coursera
Video Lectures - Essence of linear algebra: A geometric understanding of matrices, determinants, eigen-stuffs and more.
Book - Linear Algebra and Its Applications (5th Edition) - David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, and Judi J. McDonald - (Excellent book for newbies).
Khan Academy's Linear Algebra video lectures.
Digital Signal Processing
Probability and Statistics
Probability and Statistics (PERSIAN Video Lectures)

Papers and Codes
Open Remote Sensing - a curated repository by Prof. Jocelyn Chanussot
State-of-the-art (SOTA) Image Denoising Methods (SOTA methods in PaperswithCode)
Collection of popular and reproducible image denoising works
Awesome - Image Classification (SOTA on ImageNet in PapersWithCode)
Awesome Attention
Collection of papers and codes related to ATTENTION mechanisms (link1, link2, link3, link4)
Awesome object detection methods
State-of-the-art leaderboards in PapersWithCode
Deep Learning based Object Detection Methods
Reproducible Research in Computational Science – by Professor XIN LI. (A great categorized collection of implementations)
Reproducible Reseach in Tensor Completion - by Prof. Xi-Le Zhao. (A great resource for Tensor Decomposition Methods)
Useful MATLAB toolboxes
Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox (it is a complement for Matlab’s Image Processing Toolbox)
Peter Kovesi’s MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing - link
Image Noise Estimation
function_stdEst.m (written by Prof. Alessandro Foi)
ClipPoisGaus_stdEst2D (Poissonian-Gaussian noise estimation for single-image raw-data) - page
EVAR - Noise variance estimation (M file) (Page)
IVHC (Fast image noise estimation) - github
Steve Brunton - Data-driven dynamics and control (Video lectures)
Qiang Zhang - Experienced Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer.
Steve on Image Processing and Matlab
CV Datasets
Computer Vision News - the magazine of the algorithm community - by RSIP Vision
inVision - Webinars - News
My collection of interesting notes, lectures, etc.
Connected papers (a graph of similar papers in the field)
Crossminds.ai (Videos for AI Research, Engineering, and Industry)
42papers (Trending Papers in CS, ML, AI, Math, Bio, Robotics and more.)
AI Conference Deadlines (CV oriented)
Calendar of Computer Image Analysis, Computer Vision Conferences
Conference Calendar for a Collection of Iranian Conferences in the field of Computer Science - gathered by Dr. Ghasemzadeh, Yazd University.
Conference Ranks
resurchify: Find and compare upcoming Conferences, Journals, Seminars, Workshops, Meetings, Symposiums, and other events
LetPub - Very good information about scientific journals.
SCI impact factor; MedSci Index; SCI Journal
SJR (Journal Rankings)
Fast Publication in Computer Science - Elsevier
Writing Assistants